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Featured Member – September 2024

Brandi Sillerud, DNP, MSN, RN, NEA-BC

Professor/MHA Coordinator
Minnesota State University Moorhead

How long have you been with MOLN?

I have been a member of MOLN for over 10 years during my time in academia. Prior to that, I was a member, so together over 15 years. MOLN is an excellent organization that truly supports leaders at any point in their career!

Do you have a favorite MOLN memory so far?

I do not have one specific favorite memory. Each of the conferences are always my favorite, as they truly fill my cup. I find that getting away from my office and focusing on professional development, networking, and getting an overall break is needed each fall and spring. These conferences all make up my favorite memories of MOLN!

How do you cope with the demanding aspects of your career?

Having a mentor or colleague to discuss the demanding aspects of my career is important. I truly believe that we all need mentors, no matter what point you are in your career. These individuals can help us further grow, adapt, and innovate! I like to talk things through. I also found that having ways to decompress is important. That might be as simple as getting up and taking a 15-minute walk in my day, but it provides a grounding and calming effect that allows me to go back and address my next list of challenges!

Who inspires you?

I truly am inspired by my students every day. These individuals are juggling work, families, and academic pressures to better themselves and obtain the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed of healthcare leaders. I am honored to provide guidance in their educational journeys. I champion my students in their self-fulfillment efforts. I learn something new from students every day!

What is something that not many people know about you?

I am somewhat of an open book, but many may not know that I am a first-generation college graduate in my family. I come from a long line of hard-working farmers. I was the first to graduate from college in my family and I am super proud that I was able to obtain my undergraduate, masters, and doctorate degrees! My family always would joke and ask, when are you going to be done with school? My answer was often, likely never! As healthcare leaders, we must never stop learning! To finish up, a quote by Michel Legrand supports this concept: “The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn the more I realize, the less I know.”

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